In case you were wondering, some of the parts to make my groovy Rough Riders were sculpted by Rob at Curious Constructs.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Happy OZ day! & thoughts on Warhammer 120k? hmmmm.

Allow me to interrupt the standard modelling posts to say Happy Australia Day everyone.

"But I’m not Australian" I hear you say!

Well that doesn’t really matter. I have been fortunate enough to travel around a fair bit and I have come to realise that compared to other countries I/we live in a pretty multicultural place. Surprisingly, everybody at my work could claim to have a 1st or 2nd generation family member that immigrated from elsewhere. So the way I see it, everyone is either related to an Australian, friends with an Australian or a future Australian that just hasn’t moved here yet. The (naive) joys of being a young country. Well young in the western sense...

Here are a few snaps from when I was fortunate enough to do some research up on the APY lands (Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara lands- aka aboriginal lands) as they are probably the only real Australians.

All the aboriginal territories 
Ironically, I realised that I paint models that I pretend are from the year 40,000 - While these chaps have painted works from 45,000 years ago (here in South Australia). 

And of that isn’t crazy enough, analysis of pollen and charcoal suggests that people used fire to clear the lands around here 120,000 years ago. Hmm, I wonder what Warhammer 120k would be like...
On that note, time for a BBQ and beer with shelias and mates.

Have a good one everyone :)
 Staring a fire the white man way & sharing a brew

 Bush tucker

White man bush tucker back at the camp

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